Updated SOLs and Final Exam Schedule | ahs.accomack.k12.va.us
Updated SOLs and Final Exam Schedule | ahs.accomack.k12.va.us
Updated SOLs and Final Exam Schedule
SOLs Begin January 24, 2023
The Arcadia High School will be administering SOL tests from Tuesday, January 24, 2023 through Wednesday, February 1, 2023. The SOL schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday, January 24, 2023:
- World Geography (AM)
- Wednesday, January 25, 2023:
- Reading (AM)
- Thursday, January 26, 2023:
- World History I (AM)
- World History II (AM)
- VA/US History (AM)
- Friday, January 27, 2023:
- Biology (AM)
- Earth Science (AM)
- Monday, January 30, 2023 - Wednesday, February 1, 2023:
- Retakes and Make Ups
The Final Exam schedule is as follows:
Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 1st and 3rd Block ExamsFriday, February 3, 2023 - 2nd and 4th Block Exams
The school days are on the normal daily schedule, so the exams blocks are the normal time. Additionally, the only exam exemptions for 1st semester are:
1. Seniors that have an "A" average for the course prior to the day of exam.
2. HIGH SCHOOL ONLY - Students who have passed both the class and corresponding EOC SOL test in Algebra 1, Biology, and English 11 Reading & Writing.3. Students successfully completing a CTE program and have passed a state board approved certification or licensure test. (Please refer to the approved list).
All other classes/students are required to take the 1st semester final exam. Students are not exempt based on the attendance policy, and it stated that in the beginning of the school year.
Please note that on exam days, students will not be called out of class prior to the end of class. If families would like to pick up their student, it must be done between class changes or during classes that are not administering exams on that particular day. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Original source can be found here