Tangier Combined School recently issued the following announcement.
The School Year 2020-2021 Indicator 8 Parent Survey collection period will soon be upon us. Please note that the methodology for dissemination of the Indicator 8 survey has not changed from last year. There will be a printed survey and postage paid return envelope sent to each local educational agency (LEA) special education administrator for direct dissemination to parents of children with disabilities. The printed surveys will be shipped directly to LEAs by the middle of June 2021, in quantities to match each LEA’s December 1 child count, plus an additional ten percent. This will be the same for the English and Spanish versions of the survey.
There will also be an online survey for parents to access. The online survey will be opened June 1, 2021, and will be available for completion in English and Spanish at the following websites:
English Version ----- English Version of 2020-2021 Indicator 8 Parent Survey
Spanish Version ---- Spanish Version of 2020-2021 Indicator 8 Parent Survey
Given that the COVID-19 pandemic is still affecting in-person instruction, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) encourages that you have parents complete this year’s survey using the online links listed above. The VDOE will also work with our parent agency partners to make the availability of the online survey known to parents across the Commonwealth, as well as sending it out through our social media links and GovDelivery messaging platform.
The VDOE is asking for your assistance in promoting the completion of the survey by each of your families who has a child with a disability and is provided special education services through an individualized education program (IEP), by whatever means you deem appropriate. Families who have more than one child receiving special education services should complete a survey for each of their children.
This year’s timeline for completion and submission of survey responses, in any modality, is set at December 17, 2021.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment toward ensuring that we involve each parent in his/her child’s special education program. If you have questions or need assistance concerning this survey process, please contact Tracy Lee, via telephone, at (804) 225-3492 or via email, at Tracy.Lee@doe.virginia.gov.
Original source can be found here.